Sales Invoice

A SALES INVOICE its an cordial part of managing a business. It’s use for informing Cusomers how much they owe your business for good or services rendered. An invoice will highlight several important information items purchased discounts etc. Download templates from TemplateGuru to help you structure your Sales Invoice with Read more…

Brand Loyalty Survey

Want to conduct a BRAND LOYALTY SURVEY? You want to understand how loyal consumers remain with your brand and the reasons why they do or do not remain . Visit TemplateGuru and find surveys templates to help your business track your business / product effectiveness. You can find many more Read more…

Positive Feedback on an Article

WANT TO WRITE A CONGRATULATIONS ON AN ARTICLE LETTER? A congratulation letter purpose in business serves to congratulate an individual or organisation on outstanding achievements. It’s important that the letter is written in a professional manner keeping in mind the business reputation. TemplateGuru has samples of templates to help you Read more…

Response to Phone Query – Product Literature

WANT TO PRODUCE A COVER LETTER TO ACCOMPANY LITERATURE IN RESPONSE TO A TELEPHONE ENQUIRY? Formalising telephone engagement with your client illustrates appreciation of the relationship indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You will Read more…

Supply Agreement

WANT TO HAVE A SUPPLY AGREEMENT? A supply agreement PROVIDES terms and conditions under which one company will manufacture and supply goods to another. A supply contract may be exclusive or non-exclusive include standards on product quality and should state how product orders will be handled. Download a template from Read more…

Dealership Agreement

WANT A DEALERSHIP AGREEMENT? A dealer agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of a contract between a dealer and a distributor or vendor. The details of a dealer agreement typically include the purpose of the contract the means of payment and the delivery date. Download a template Read more…