How to Develop a Script

Want to develop TeleMarketing Script? You need to get your message across avoid being distracted by your listener and keep control of the conversation. Scripting your calls beforehand enables you to accomplish these goals. Download samples of how to develop a TeleMarketing script from TemplateGuru. You can find many more Read more…

Policy for Commissions on Sales

SALES COMMISSION POLICY is an essential tool that explains to employees how the commission is paid based on the sales finalised. It’s a tool used to eliminate a burden of paying employees for work that doesn’t bring sales. The procedure must be formalised. Download templates from TemplateGuru to help you Read more…

Our Company Name is Changing

Want to inform your customers of your Company Name Change? Keeping your client informed of your company’s activities and important information indicates professionalism. Let them know that nothing will change only the name and the great service they are accustomed to will continue. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help Read more…

Letter Announcing New Service

LAUNCHING A NEW SERVICE? Define your target audience validate the service. Keeping your client informed of any relevant information pertaining your new service indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You can find many more Read more…

Response to Phone Query – Product Literature

WANT TO PRODUCE A COVER LETTER TO ACCOMPANY LITERATURE IN RESPONSE TO A TELEPHONE ENQUIRY? Formalising telephone engagement with your client illustrates appreciation of the relationship indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You will Read more…

I Must Reschedule our Meeting

WANT TO RESCHEDULE A MEETING? Under a few certain circumstances you have to reschedule meetings. At times is can cause uncomfortability and inconvenience. Therefore you need to inform stakeholders immediately of a reschedule. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You can find many more Read more…