Importance Scale Survey

Want to conduct ad IMPORTANCE SCALE SURVEY? Want to track the effectiveness of your business or product? Visit TemplateGuru and find surveys templates to help your business track your business / product effectiveness. You can find many more useful template examples here

Price Increase

COMMUNICATING PRICE INCREASE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. Keeping your client informed of any relevant information pertaining to Price Increases indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. This letter template can be used for such an occasion. Read more…

Your Order has Reached Us

WANT TO THANK YOUR CUSTOMER FOR THEIR ORDER? Keeping your client informed of your company’s activities makes them happy and indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You can find many more useful template examples Read more…

Meeting Confirmation

FOR THE RECORD WELL BE MEETING AT [LOCATION]. Formalising your business external communication especially for meetings with clients is essential. Meetings goes with stakeholders booking their calendar’s in advance therefore critical to request before hand at all times and it works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples Read more…

Product Supply Agreement

WANT TO DRAFT A PRODUCT SUPPLY AGREEMENT? A product supply agreement is an agreement between a supplier and a buyer for supply and purchase of products. The agreement specifies the terms upon which the parties agree to supply and purchase products from each other. Download a template from Template Guru Read more…

May I Introduce our New Employee to You

WANT TO INTRODUCE A NEW EMPLOYEE TO YOUR CLIENTS? It’s important to introduce any new employee who interacts with clients. It will command confidence in the new employee especially if you mention their credentials and previous experince. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionaly. You Read more…

Now is a Great Time to Reorder

SENDING YOUR CUSTOMERS AN INCENTIVE COMMUNICATION LIKE THIS MAY BE A GOOD TIME TO RE-ORDER IS ADVANTAGEOUS TO YOUR BUSINESS. Keep up a continuous communication with your clients about any relevant information pertaining their needs indicates professionalism high service levels and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has Read more…