No Recent Orders – Valued Customer

WONDERING WHY YOUR CUSTOMER STOPPED PURCHASING FROM YOUR COMPANY? This letter template can be used to enquire as to the reasons for their lack of orders. Keeping your client informed of your companies activities also indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters Read more…

Positive Feedback on an Article

WANT TO WRITE A CONGRATULATIONS ON AN ARTICLE LETTER? A congratulation letter purpose in business serves to congratulate an individual or organisation on outstanding achievements. It’s important that the letter is written in a professional manner keeping in mind the business reputation. TemplateGuru has samples of templates to help you Read more…

Now is a Great Time to Reorder

SENDING YOUR CUSTOMERS AN INCENTIVE COMMUNICATION LIKE THIS MAY BE A GOOD TIME TO RE-ORDER IS ADVANTAGEOUS TO YOUR BUSINESS. Keep up a continuous communication with your clients about any relevant information pertaining their needs indicates professionalism high service levels and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has Read more…

Your Order has Reached Us

WANT TO THANK YOUR CUSTOMER FOR THEIR ORDER? Keeping your client informed of your company’s activities makes them happy and indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You can find many more useful template examples Read more…

Leasing vs Purchasing Checklist

Need a leasing vs purchasing agreement? Try this template. These other merchandise related document templates may also be helpful to you and your business. And see these other operations and logistics templates here

Strategic Alliance and Supply Agreement

WANT A STRATEGIC ALLIANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT? A Strategic Alliance Agreement governs the relationship between two companies that wish to achieve mutual benefits through the drafting of a Strategic Alliance Agreement that has different objectives to sell products of the clients and commercial network. Download a template from Template Guru Read more…

Press Release Company Won an Award

PRESS RELEASE COMPANY WON AN AWARD. Communicating positive news to your clients and any other relevant information pertaining your business indicates professionalism appreciation of their role and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally. You will be able Read more…