Responding to Inaccurate Press

Want to respond to inaccurate press? It is important to correct inaccurate press releases about your business make certain that you’re not defensive provide facts to be credible. Download templates from TemplateGuru to help you structure your letter responding to an inaccurate press release for your businesses. TemplateGuru has samples Read more…

Competitive Advantage Spreadsheet

Use this template to help think about the differentiation of your products and services and how to secure a competitive advantage. There are many other planning and management document templates for you to browse here.

Purchasing Agents Agreement

WANT A PURCHASING AGENTS AGREEMENT? A purchasing agent agreement is a contract where your business appoints another business to represent and buy a specific kind of products within a specific area that can be a country or multiple countries. Download a template from Template Guru to help you with drafting Read more…

Product Supply Agreement

WANT TO DRAFT A PRODUCT SUPPLY AGREEMENT? A product supply agreement is an agreement between a supplier and a buyer for supply and purchase of products. The agreement specifies the terms upon which the parties agree to supply and purchase products from each other. Download a template from Template Guru Read more…

Interview Confirmation

CONFIRMATION OF INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT. A formal confirmation of an interview appointment serves to make certain that important details are not left out be the names place time etc. TemplateGuru has samples of letters to help you communicate with them professionally.

Partnership Dissolution Agreement

WANT A PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION AGREEMENT? A Partnership Dissolution Agreement is an agreement between two or more partners to end a business partnership by setting out clear timelines responsibilities and roles for each partner. This Partnership Dissolution Agreement makes it easier to end a business relationship amicably. Download a template from Read more…