Letter Confirming Purchase Order

A PURCHASE ORDER ISSUED ON ACCEPTANCE OF DELIVERY DATE LETTER is a commercial document offered by a buyer to a seller of a product or service depicting the agreed Delivery Date. Download templates from TemplateGuru to help you structure your Purchase Order Issued on Acceptance of Delivery Date letter with Read more…

Introducing Myself as Your New Sales Rep

INTRODUCE YOURSELF AS A NEW SALES REPRESENTATIVE? Write a compelling subject line tailored to the specific industry and why you’re reaching out and the value that you add. Keeping your client informed of any relevant information indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your business. TemplateGuru has samples of Read more…

Conditional Sale Agreement

WANT A CONDITIONAL SALE AGREEMENT? A conditional sale contract grants possession of a piece of property to the buyer but not legal ownership until the sale price is paid in full. The seller retains title while the buyer makes periodic payments. Download a template from Template Guru to help you Read more…

Purchase Order

A PURCHASE ORDERS is a commercial document offered by a buyer to a seller of a product or service depicting the agreed goods prices. It also assists business in planning resources. Download templates from TemplateGuru to help you structure your Purchase Order with all the mandatory fields for your businesses.

Brand Loyalty Survey

Want to conduct a BRAND LOYALTY SURVEY? You want to understand how loyal consumers remain with your brand and the reasons why they do or do not remain . Visit TemplateGuru and find surveys templates to help your business track your business / product effectiveness. You can find many more Read more…

Requesting Testimonials from Clients

WANT TO SOLICIT TESTIMONIALS FROM CLIENTS? Want to send a letter to your client requesting testimony for good service? Keeping your client informed of the appreciation of their inputs in new products development also Increase the perceived value of their importance indicates professionalism and works towards the reputation of your Read more…

Commitment Form

WANT A COMMITMENT FORM? A commitment form serves as a Client’s written authorisation from your business to perform services and/or contract with suppliers. The Client’s signature also indicates an understanding of estimates prices terms and liability to your business for said items or services. Download a template from Template Guru Read more…