Strategic Alliance and Supply Agreement

WANT A STRATEGIC ALLIANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT? A Strategic Alliance Agreement governs the relationship between two companies that wish to achieve mutual benefits through the drafting of a Strategic Alliance Agreement that has different objectives to sell products of the clients and commercial network. Download a template from Template Guru Read more…

Sales Addendum

WANT TO DRAFT A SALES ADDENDUM? An addendum is an additional document that gets added to the purchase and sale agreement. The document will include any additional information or requests that the buyer did not put into the original purchase and sale agreement. Download a template from Template Guru to Read more…

Reseller Agreement

WANT A RESELLER AGREEMENT? Your business appoints Reseller and Reseller accepts appointment as an independent non-exclusive Reseller to market sell lease and install your business products in their business to consumers. The Reseller is not appointed as a dealer for your business. Download a template from Template Guru to help Read more…

Policy for Media Relations

WHY A MEDIA RELATIONS POLICY?A media relations policy is a measure to have consistency when communicating on behalf of the business and all should be in support of business. TemplateGuru has samples of templates to help you structure in a professional manner.

Purchasing Agents Agreement

WANT A PURCHASING AGENTS AGREEMENT? A purchasing agent agreement is a contract where your business appoints another business to represent and buy a specific kind of products within a specific area that can be a country or multiple countries. Download a template from Template Guru to help you with drafting Read more…