Asset Purchase Agreement

An asset purchase agreement (APA) is an agreement between a buyer and a seller that finalises terms and conditions related to the purchase and sale of a company’s assets. Download a template from Template Guru to help you with drafting an asset purchase agreement in a professional manner.

Asset Purchase Agreement Retail Store

This particular legal document or agreement of assignment can be used to assist you in articulating the terms for an asset agreement to purchase a retail store. To see other essential legal document templates for you and your clients go to

IP Sale Agreement

This particular legal document or agreement is used to assist in articulating the terms for intellectual property sales agreement. See other legal documents that you may be interested in at

Amendment to Sales Contract

Use this template if a specific section of the Sales Contract is amend to provide a new price for a Product or Service. Download a template from Template Guru to help you with drafting an amendment to a sales contract agreement in a professional manner.